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70 Wild Miles

16th. June 2001

          1st.          Simon Patton.................... 5:10:58
          2nd.         Karl Strange..................... 5:22:17
          3rd.          Nick Strange ................... 5:32:30

          1st.         Kirsty Patton
               cycle           Nonie Horseman.............. 1:57:10
            canoe         Alastair Currie.................. 1:46:05
            run              Bill Horseman................... 1:40:50
                                                   Total ............... 5:24:05

     The thirteenth running of the event went off very well, despite a rather poor weather forecast. The money raised for the Cancer Research Campaign once again reached anew high with a grand total of £43,000 being realised thanks to a magnificent effort by all concerned. There is also an letter from the organisers of the event to all concerned in the 2001 running, please read.
2000 poster.      This years results seem to follow a family pattern with the Patton family taking the top solo places - Simon, repeating his win of last year and Kirsty edging out Maggie Creber for the women's title. The family theme was continued with the second and third solo placings going to Karl and Nick Strange, and the Horseman family forming two thirds of the winning relay team.
      Keeping up the family theme, Jimmy Smith did his usual marvelous job and headed the list of fund-raisers once again with an amazing total of £3164, but one time when Jimmy wasn't in leading place was in the running section of this years event - it seems that Jimmy's ten year old son thought that dad would like some company on his run home, but in typical kids fashion he got fed up keeping to dad's pace and actually finished the run section well ahead of Jimmy! (How he would have coped if like dad he'd already cycled and canoed through the first two sections is possibly another story).



SoloResults.                      Relay Results.


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