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70 Wild Miles

? June 1995

   After a difference of opinion with the management at the Kingshouse Hotel after the previous year's event, this year saw the centre of operations transferred to the Glencoe Hotel. This meant the start of the event moving to the White Corries ski-lift, with the finish line being set at the top of Glen Etive.
     This change in the arrangements meant more travelling between overnight accommodation and the start and finish lines and extra logistical problems for the organisers, but what the hell, that's what they're there for! Despite these difficulties the money raised for the charities rose once again with a total share out of £22,000 being raised.
     This year saw John Watson first home and Maggie Creber taking first place among the female participants. Another notable first this year was the appearance of Jimmy Smith as the top money raiser with a wonderful sponsorship total of £1510!
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